Thank you for attending!

2024 Annual New York State

Hepatitis C & Drug User Health ​Conference

September 11, 2024

Thank ​You!

We are pleased to offer attendees based in New York State a copy ​of our plenary speaker, Maia Szalavitz’s new book, “Undoing Drugs: ​How Harm Reduction Is Changing the Future of Drugs and Addiction.”

If you would like to receive a copy, please click below: ​



The Clinical Education Initiative (CEI)'s Hepatitis C ​and Drug User Health Center of Excellence is a New ​York State Department of Health AIDS Institute ​program that offers free continuing medical ​education to enhance the capacity of New York ​State's diverse healthcare workforce to deliver ​high-quality clinical services and improve patient ​outcomes. We offer online live and on-demand ​trainings, intensive preceptorship programs, ​targeted technical assistance, free clinical tools ​and more.

The 2024 annual New York State Hepatitis C and ​Drug User Health conference is a free, full-day, ​virtual program intended for clinical prescribers ​throughout the state.

A recording of the 2024 annual New York State ​Hepatitis C and Drug User Health conference will ​be available on our website shortly, please check ​back soon.

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Program Agenda

September 11, 2024 • 8:45am-4:00pm

Click on Session Titles to access slides and resources!

Session Type

Session Title




Lauren Walker, MPH • Linda Wang, MD



Maia Szalavitz


Concurrent Didactic ​Breakouts

(Select One)

Benjamin Eckhardt, MD, MS • Colleen Flanigan, RN, MS • ​Tatyana Kushner, MD, MSCE

Matthew Fallico, MSW • Emily Payne, MSPH




Panel Discussion

Emma Fabian, MSW • Sharon Stancliff, MD, FAAFP, ​DFASAM • Justine Waldman, MD, FACEP


Working Lunch

Ask the Experts

Join us for lunch to learn about three innovative programs and interact with our ​clinical experts!

La Bodega Model of Care

Scott Springer, PA • Anthony Martinez, MD, AAHIVS, FAASLD

Community Voices

Felecia Pullen, PhD




Concurrent Didactic ​Breakouts

(Select One)

Rebekah Joab, JD • Alexandra Warren, JD

Aarathi Nagaraja, MD, CHP


Panel Discussion

Tiffany Lu, MD, MS • Ashley Magnussen, CRPA • Kelly ​Ramsey, MD, MPH, MA, FACP, DFASAM • Sara Lorenz Taki, ​MD • Kristine Torres-Lockhart, MD


Plenary Session:

Harm Reduction

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Maia Szalavitz


Maia Szalavitz is the author, most recently, of Undoing Drugs: The Untold ​Story of Harm Reduction and the Future of Addiction, which is the first ​history of the movement aimed at focusing policy on minimizing harms, ​not highs. She writes regularly for the New York Times and has written ​for numerous publications including TIME, Wired, the Nation, Vice and ​Scientific American.

Maia’s New York Times bestseller, Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New ​Way of Understanding Addiction wove together neuroscience and social ​science with her personal experience of addiction. It won the 2018 ​media award from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. And her 2006 ​book, Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled Teen Industry Cons Parents and ​Hurts Kids, was the first to expose the damage caused by “tough love” ​youth treatment and helped spur Congressional hearings. She has also ​authored or co-authored five other books, including the classic on child ​trauma, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, with Dr. Bruce D. Perry. With ​Dr. Perry, she has also written Born for Love: Why Empathy Is Essential— ​And Endangered, which laid out why empathy is essential for social trust ​and how inequality can erode it. With Dr. Joseph Volpicelli, she wrote ​Recovery Options: The Complete Guide, the first evidence-based guide ​to addiction treatment. Maia lives with her husband and two squeaky ​cats in New York City.

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Morning Didactic Breakout Sessions •

Select One

  • Implementing New Hepatitis C Tools and Policies
  • Drug Checking in New York State

Benjamin Eckhardt, MD, mS

Assistant Professor of Medicine • New York University Grossman School of Medicine

Benjamin Eckhardt received his MD degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Internal Medicine training at New ​York University within the Primary Care Program. After completing residency, he worked in Rwanda for Partners In ​Health/Inshuti Mu Buzima with a clinical appointment at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He ​returned to New York to complete his fellowship training in Infectious Diseases at Weill Cornell Medical College while ​concurrently receiving a MS in Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research. Dr. Eckhardt joined the faculty at ​NYU/Bellevue in 2016 with a clinical focus in HIV and hepatitis management. His research interest focuses on evaluating ​models of care to facilitate access, engagement, and retention of active injection drug users in HCV treatment and ​care.

Co​lleen Flanigan, RN, MS

Director, Bureau of Hepatitis Health Care and Epidmiology • New York State Department of ​Health, AIDS Institute

Colleen Flanigan currently serves as the Director of the Bureau of Hepatitis Health Care and Epidemiology at the New ​York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. Ms. Flanigan has been involved in hepatitis C-related work for two ​decades. She directs the hepatitis C programmatic and policy work and the hepatitis B and C surveillance activities for ​New York State. Ms. Flanigan is also responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the New York State Hepatitis C ​Elimination Plan. Ms. Flanigan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Nursing.

Tatyana Kushner, MD, MSCE

Associate Professor of Medicine • Division of Liver Diseases, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount ​Sinai

Dr. Tatyana Kushner is Associate Professor in the Division of Liver Diseases at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount ​Sinai in New York, with a joint appointment in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Kushner’s clinical and ​research interests focus on clinical predictors, epidemiological trends and outcomes in viral hepatitis and in liver disease ​during pregnancy. Her clinical practice encompasses the full spectrum of liver disease from metabolic dysfunction-​associated steatohepatitis (MASH, previously known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH) to cirrhosis and ​decompensated liver disease. She is a member of the AASLD/IDSA HCV Guidance committee, advisor to the CDC ​Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination Tip-HepC Registry and advisor to the Hepatitis C Mentor and Support Group.

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Matthew Fallico, MSW

Health Program Manager • New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute Office of Drug ​User Health

Mr. Fallico is a Health Program Manager with the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute, Office of Drug ​User Health. Within the Office of Drug User Health, he oversees the implementation and management of the Drug User ​Health Drug Checking program. His additional duties include overseeing the fiscal, operational and planning aspects of ​the New York MATTERS program. Mr. Fallico received his Master’s in Social Work at Arizona State University with a ​concentration in program planning and community practice.

Emily Payne, MSPH

Epidemiologist and Program Evaluator • New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute ​Office of Drug User Health

Emily Payne, MSPH, is an Epidemiologist and Program Evaluator at the New York State Department of Health AIDS ​Institute, Office of Program Evaluation and Research. Her work focuses on programs serving people who use drugs ​including drug checking, naloxone distribution and administration, and referrals to opioid treatment programs. Prior to ​joining the New York State Department of Health in 2021, Emily worked as an epidemiologist at the state and local levels ​in Colorado.


Buprenorphine Treatment

Morning Panel Session:

Emma Fabian, MSW

Associate Director of Harm Reduction • ​Evergreen Health

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Click to learn more ​about Evergreen

Emma Fabian is the Associate Vice ​President of Harm Reduction at Evergreen ​Health in Western New York. Formerly AIDS ​Community Services, Evergreen Health was ​founded over 40 years ago during the ​height of the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and ​now provides a range of medical, ​behavioral, and supportive services to ​individuals and families in the region. In her ​position at Evergreen Health, Emma ​oversees harm reduction and drug user ​health services, including syringe exchange, ​low-threshold buprenorphine, drop-in ​services, wound care, and more. She ​participates in several local and statewide ​workgroups addressing issues that impact ​people who use drugs. Emma holds a ​Bachelor of Arts from Canisius University ​and Master of Social Work degree from ​SUNY University at Buffalo where she also ​currently serves as a part-time instructor. ​She enjoys talking to all types of audiences ​about harm reduction, drug use, and ​related topics.

Sharon Stancliff, MD, FAAFP, ​DFASAM

Associate Director for Harm ​Reduction in Health Care • New York ​State Department of Health, AIDS ​Institute Office of the Medical ​Director

Sharon Stancliff is Associate Medical ​Director for Harm Reduction in Health Care ​at the AIDS Institute, New York State ​Department of Health. She also serves as a ​staff physician for a federally qualified ​health center, where she provides

addiction services.

Dr. Stancliff has been working with people ​who use drugs since 1990 including the ​provision of primary care, drug treatment, ​HIV care and harm reduction. Her current ​focus is on opioid overdose prevention ​through expanding access to ​buprenorphine treatment and naloxone. She ​has spoken and provided technical ​assistance both nationally and ​internationally, and has authored numerous ​books and peer reviewed journal articles. Dr. ​Stancliff maintains board certification in ​Family Medicine and Addiction Medicine.

Justine Waldman, MD, FACEP

Chief Executive Officer and Chief ​Medical Officer • REACH Medical

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Click to learn more ​about REACH

Justine Waldman is board certified in ​Addiction Medicine and Emergency ​Medicine, and is a Fellow of the American ​College of Emergency Physicians. In 2018, ​she founded REACH Medical in Ithaca, which ​offers integrated primary care and low ​threshold harm reduction services for ​people who tend to face stigma in the ​current medical system. In addition to ​primary care, REACH Medical provides ​MOUD, viral screening, vaccination and ​treatment, and on-demand behavioral ​health care. REACH also has a robust ​outreach program staffed by individuals ​with lived experience who offer services ​and support via telehealth. REACH serves ​as the Ithaca Law Enforcement Assisted ​Diversion (LEAD) Program administrative ​home for case management, and has an ​established Peer Advisory Board that ​provides stipends to peers through a local ​foundation grant to advise REACH on ​various aspects of the organization.


Working Lunch:

Ask The Experts

The “La Bodega” Model of care

Anthony Martinez,


Medical Director, ​Hepatology • Erie County ​Medical Center

Dr. Martinez’s clinic, “La Bodega,” ​has been recognized nationally and ​internationally as a novel colocalized ​model for managing viral hepatitis ​and addiction disorders.

Dr. Martinez has been a primary and ​co-investigator on numerous clinical ​trials related to hepatitis C and ​fatty liver disease. He is board-​certified by the ABIM and the ​American Academy of HIV Medicine. ​He is a Fellow of the American ​Association for the Study of Liver ​Disease, ambassador and co-chair ​of the Chronic Liver Disease ​Foundation HCV Committee, and an ​inductee in the Gold Humanism ​Honor Society.

Sc​ott Springer, PA

Physician Assistant,

H​epatology • Erie County M​edical Center

Scott R. Springer is a certified ​physician assistant at Erie County ​Medical Center's Center for ​Hepatology Care, also known as “La ​Bodega”. He cares for patients with ​liver disease and substance use ​disorders. Scott has presented on ​the treatment of hepatitis C virus ​(HCV) at the local, state, and ​national levels and educates medical ​providers from throughout New ​York State on the clinical ​management of HCV. Scott is a ​founding member of ECMC’s Harm ​Reduction Coalition and has been ​named an 2024 Emerging Liver APP ​by the American Association for the ​Study of Liver Disease.

Click to learn more about“La Bodega”

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“La Bodega” provides cutting edge, ​compassionate care for patients with liver ​disease. Their specialists offer personalized, ​innovative treatment and therapeutics for ​patients with liver disease.

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Felecia Pullen,


Founder, President & Chief Executive Officer • Let’s Talk SAFETY, Inc.

Dr. Felecia Pullen founded and is the President & CEO of Let’s Talk SAFETY, Inc., a not-for-profit ​which includes: SAFE in Harlem, a SAMHSA-funded teen-led substance misuse prevention ​coalition; The PILLARS, Manhattan’s first OASAS-funded Recovery Community & Outreach ​Center; and The SAFETY Net, a teen-designed Clubhouse in Harlem. Each division offers holistic, ​complementary and alternative approaches to recovery, for individuals and family members who ​are loving someone in active use.

Dr. P specializes in program and policy development for the fields of substance use disorders, ​teen misuse prevention, non-medical models of harm reduction, and recovery support. Much of ​her focus is on the design and implementation of community-based initiatives. Through multi-​tiered approaches, she believes we can prevent the onset of use, reduce overdoses resulting ​from misuse, increase the attainment of recovery capital, and promote healthier communities. ​Her advocacy and activism has been recognized nationally and throughout New York City and ​State. She has delivered numerous workshops in Culturally Responsive Recovery at SAMHSA’s ​National Leadership Forum; has twice been appointed by former NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio to the ​City’s Municipal Drug Strategy Council; currently sits on the FOR-NY Recovery Community ​Steering Committee, and has produced several substance misuse awareness campaigns for the ​State.

Through the strength of her partnerships with NYPD, The NYC Dept of Health & Mental ​Hygiene,Colleges and Universities, Public and private healthcare systems, and political figures, Dr. ​P has delivered programs and services *free of charge* to over 20,000 individuals. Her work is ​inspired by the vision of a drug-misuse-free world ... One child, one family, and one community at ​a time!

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Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine • University at Buffalo Jacobs School ​of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

A native of Buffalo, New York, Dr. Joshua Lynch is a leader and expert in the areas of emergency ​medicine and treatment of opioid use disorder. He completed his undergraduate studies at the ​University at Buffalo, graduating with a BS in psychology. Dr. Lynch then attended the Lake Erie ​College of Osteopathic Medicine as part of the inaugural class at the Bradenton, Florida campus. At ​LECOM, he played a key role in establishing the brand-new medical school within the community. He ​completed an emergency medicine residency at the University at Buffalo, where he served as chief ​resident his final year. Dr. Lynch serves as a Trustee on the Board of Education for Clarence Central ​Schools and a Board Member of United Way of Buffalo and Erie County. He also serves as the Chief ​Medical Officer for the Medication for Addiction Treatment & Electronic Referrals (MATTERS) ​Network.

MATTERS facilitates rapid referrals for individuals ​with opioid use disorder by connecting ​participating referral sites, receiving treatment ​organizations, peer support agencies, and ​pharmacies all into one efficient process.

Watch the 60-second clip to the left to learn ​more about who they are & what they do.

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Afternoon Didactic Breakout Sessions •

Select One

  • Legal Advocacy for Patients Who Use Drugs
  • Integrating Clinical Care for Hepatitis C and Infectious Diseases

Rebekah Joab, JD

Senior Staff Attorney • Legal Action Center (LAC)

As a Senior Staff Attorney, Rebekah Joab advocates for individuals who have experienced discrimination because of ​their substance use, arrest or conviction records, and HIV or AIDS status. Rebekah works on LAC's impact litigation and ​direct legal services across these areas, with a particular focus on LAC’s legal strategies to increase access to ​medication for opioid use disorder and enforce anti-discrimination rights for people who use drugs. During her time at ​LAC, Rebekah has litigated Finnigan v. Mendrick et. al., which challenged a jail’s ban on medication for opioid use disorder, ​written amicus briefs in several cases challenging discrimination against people with substance use disorders, and ​contributed to articles such as Ending Medical Complicity With Skilled-Nursing Facility Discrimination Against People With ​Opioid Use Disorder. In her role at LAC, Rebekah also educates and trains organizations and individuals about anti-​discrimination and other laws protecting LAC's constituencies. Rebekah earned her BA in psychology from the University ​of Maryland, College Park, and her JD from the Georgetown University Law Center.

Alexandra Warren, JD

Staff Attorney • Legal Action Center (LAC)

Alexandra is LAC's Staff Attorney for the Community Health Access to Addiction and Mental Healthcare Project in NYS ​(CHAMP). She provides legal counsel and technical assistance to stakeholders on substance use disorder (SUD)-related ​issues, develops multimedia educational materials, and conducts trainings on the Mental Health Parity and Addiction ​Equity Act and other SUD-related issues. Additionally, she represents select clients by drafting insurance appeals and ​complaints regarding parity violations and emergency department care denials. Alexandra received her J.D. from ​Northeastern University School of Law. Her internship experience includes assistance on a class action lawsuit for the ​medical rights of people incarcerated at Louisiana State Penitentiary, direct representation for unhoused LGBTQ+ youth ​in New York City, and assistance on a Massachusetts Drug Court reform project. She received a B.A. in Anthropology ​from American University.

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Aarathi Nagaraja, MD, CHP

Quality Medical Director of HIV and Hepatitis Programs • Sun River Health

Dr. Nagaraja is the Quality Medical Director of HIV and Hepatitis Programs at Sun River Health, a large federally ualified ​health center that covers Hudson Valley, Long Island and New York City. She is an Infectious Disease physician who ​provides HIV, Hepatitis B/C care, and Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder within an integrated ​primary care model at Sun River Health. Dr. Nagaraja works closely with her care teams to oversee the quality of the HIV ​and Hepatitis programs at Sun River Health. She is also the co-chair for NYS Congenital Syphilis Elimination Strategic ​Planning group.


Afternoon Panel Session:

Methadone Regulation

Tiffany Lu, MD, MS

Associate Professor of ​Medicine • Albert Einstein ​College of Medicine


Associate Director of ​Addiction Services • New ​York City ​Health+Hospitals/Jacobi

Ashley Magnussen, ​CRPA

Kelly Ramsey, MD, ​MPH, MA, FACP, ​DFASAM

Sara Lorenz Taki, ​MD

Chief Medical Officer • ​Greenwich House

Hepatitis C Peer ​Advocate • Greenwich ​House

Addiction Medicine and ​Harm Reduction ​Consultant

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Click to learn more about Greenwich House

Kristine Torres-​Lockhart, MD

Assistant Professor | ​Physician • Albert ​Einstein College of ​Medicine | Montefiore ​Medical Center

Tiffany Lu is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in Bronx, New York. She joined New York City ​Health & Hospitals/Jacobi in 2024 as Associate Director of Addiction Services, where she is currently focused on developing a hospital-based opioid ​treatment program and integrating harm reduction practices in caring for people with substance use disorders. Prior to joining Jacobi, Dr. Lu was the ​Medical Director of Montefiore Medical Center’s Buprenorphine Treatment Network, where she led the implementation of primary care-based opioid use ​disorder treatment across seven community health centers. She also founded the Addiction Medicine ‘Bridge’ Clinic at Montefiore to provide ​coordinated care people with substance use disorders. Dr. Lu graduated from the University of California in San Francisco School of Medicine and the ​Primary Care Internal Medicine Residency Program at Massachusetts General Hospital. She holds a Masters of Science in Clinical Research Methods ​from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is board certified in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine, and is active with the American Society of ​Addiction Medicine as an elected member of the Quality Improvement Council and Education Committee Chair for the state chapter.

Sara Lorenz Taki serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Greenwich House and sits on the Clinical Advisory Panel for OASAS and the Substance Use ​Guidelines Committee for the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute. At Greenwich House, she provides medical direction for all healthcare ​services, including mental health treatment, treatment for substance use disorders, psychiatric services, hepatitis C treatment, overdose prevention, ​harm reduction, and older adult services. Dr. Taki obtained her medical degree from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and ​completed residency training at Montefiore. She is board-certified in Addiction Medicine and Internal Medicine. She trains healthcare providers and ​students from multiple medical institutions on the treatment of substance use disorders and hepatitis C.

Ashley Magnussen is a certified recovery peer advocate who specializes in hepatitis C at Greenwich House Center for Healing. She is born and raised in ​Broad Channel, Queens and is the mother of two girls. Ashley is most passionate about the community she serves and will do anything possible to make ​sure their voices are heard.

Kristine Torres-Lockhart is a general internist, primary care provider and addiction medicine specialist. She focuses on caring for people who use ​substances and people with substance use disorders, providing care in hospital settings and in outpatient clinics. Dr. Torres-Lockhart serves as Director ​of the Addiction Medicine Fellowship Program at Montefiore Einstein, founding director of the Addiction Consult Service at Weiler Hospital, and Assistant ​Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. After ​obtaining her Bachelor of Arts in neuroscience from Dartmouth College in 2010, Dr. Torres-Lockhart earned her Doctor of Medicine at the Geisel School ​of Medicine at Dartmouth in 2016. She completed an internship and residency in internal medicine and primary care at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in ​2019 and completed a fellowship in addiction medicine at Montefiore Einstein in 2020. Dr. Torres-Lockhart is board certified by the American Board of ​Internal Medicine and the American Board of Preventive Medicine with certification in Addiction Medicine. She is also a Fellow of the American Society of ​Addiction Medicine and a board member of the New York Society of Addiction Medicine and member the Association for Multidisciplinary Education and ​Research in Substance Use and Addiction. In 2022, Dr. Torres-Lockhart received the President’s Award at the New York Society of Addiction Medicine’s ​Annual Conference. In 2023, she received the Quality Improvement Champion honor at the United Hospital Fund's Tribute to Excellence in Health Care and ​was a Rising Star Nominee for the Department of Medicine’s Physician Recognition Awards at Montefiore Einstein.

Kelly Ramsey is a board certified internal medicine and addiction medicine physician who has treated substance use disorder since 2004. She worked as ​Medical Director of an academic center-based opioid treatment program (OTP) in the South Bronx before working for nearly a decade for a large ​federally qualified health center in the Hudson Valley where she created and grew a medication for addiction treatment (MAT) program for opioid use ​disorder and alcohol use disorder to 10 sites and 1,500 patients. More recently, Dr. Ramsey worked as the Chief of Medical Services at the NYS Office of ​Addiction Services and Supports, in a policy, regulatory, and clinical role. As an Addiction Medicine and Harm Reduction Consultant, Dr. Ramsey provides ​low threshold clinical care and clinical supervision in addiction medicine in two drug user health hubs in New York. She has provided expert advice to the ​New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute and their Office of Drug User Health in addiction medicine, harm reduction, HIV, and hepatitis C ​care. In December 2018, Dr. Ramsey was the recipient of the New York State Commissioner’s Special Recognition Award for contributions to drug user ​health in New York State. Dr. Ramsey was the Distinguished Contributions to Behavioral Medicine Award Recipient, awarded by the American College of ​Physicians (ACP) in April 2023. In October 2023, she was awarded the Case Western Reserve University School of MedicineSpecial Medical AlumniBoard ​Award. Dr. Ramsey is the Immediate Past President for the New York Chapter of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (NYSAM) Board of ​Directors. In addition, she currently serves as Region I Director, representing NYS, on the national American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Board ​of Directors.

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Continuing Medical


Mature female doctor using laptop at doctor's office
Female Doctor Writes Notes While Watching an Online Medical Webinar or Training Seminar.
Young Woman Doctor Sitting at Desk, Working on Laptop Computer, and Writing Notes
telehealth with virtual doctor appointment and online therapy session. Black doctor online conference

Free credit made available by the New York ​State Department of Health AIDS Institute:

  • 6.75 CME
  • 6.75(3.5Rx) CNE
  • 6.75 CPE

Attendees will receive an email with a link to ​complete evaluation and claim CE credit ​through the myCEI platform

Mouse Click Icon

Please claim credit by Wednesday, September 25th

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Accreditation Statements

CME Accreditation/Certification:

The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry is accredited by the Accreditation Council for ​Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry designates this live activity for a maximum of 6.75 AMA ​PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation ​in the activity.

CNE Statement:

The University of Rochester Center for Nursing Professional Development is accredited with distinction as a provider ​of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on ​Accreditation.

6.75 (3.5Rx) Nursing Contact Hours will be provided.

CPE Statement:

The University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is accredited by the Accreditation ​Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program has been accredited ​as a knowledge-based activity. Credit will be uploaded to the CPE Monitor to those who complete all components of ​this activity. No partial credit is available.

ACPE# 0044-9999-24-024-L01-P, 6.75 contact hours, 0.675 CEUs.

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Financial Relationships of Planners

The following presenters and others have either indicated financial relationships with ineligible companies or that no ​financial relationships exist. An ineligible company is any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-​selling or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education ​(ACCME) Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.

The following planners do not have any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies:

Lauren Walker, MPH; Jeffrey Weiss, PhD; Linda Wang, MD;

Oksana Babiy, BS; Monica Barbosu, MD, PhD; Tamara Eis, MS, RN-BC

No commercial funding was received to support this activity.

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Financial Relationships of Speakers

The following presenters and others have either indicated financial relationships with ineligible companies or that no ​financial relationships exist. An ineligible company is any entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-​selling or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients. Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education ​(ACCME) Standards for Integrity and Independence in Accredited Continuing Education.

The following speakers do not have any relevant financial relationships ​with ineligible companies:

Maia Szalavitz; Colleen Flanigan, RN, MS; Emily Payne, MSPH; Sharon Stancliff, MD, FAAFP, ​DFASAM; Emma Fabian; Justine Waldman, MD, FACEP; Felecia Pullen, PhD; Rebekah Joab, JD; ​Alexandra Warren, JD; Kelly Ramsey, MD, MPH, MA, FACP, DFASAM; Tiffany Lu, MD, MS; Sara ​Lorenz Taki, MD; Kristine Torres-Lockhart, MD; Ashley Magnussen

The following speakers have disclosed financial relationships:

Benjamin Eckhardt, MD, MS | Gilead Sciences Inc., Research grant paid to institution

Tatyana Kushner, MD, MSCE | AbbVie, Consultant; Bausch, Advisor; Eiger, Advisor; Gilead, ​Advisor, Research Support; GSK, Consultant

Matthew Fallico, MSW | Klinic Care, Consultant

Scott Springer, PA | AbbVie, Speaker, Consultant; Gilead, Speaker, Consultant

Anthony Martinez, MD, AAHIVS, FAASLD | AbbVie, Speaker, Consultant, Researcher; Allergan, ​Researcher; Antios, Consultant; Eisai, Consultant; Gilead, Speaker, Consultant, Researcher; ​Intercept, Consultant, Researcher; VBI/Syneos, Speaker; Arbutus, Consultant; Madrigal, ​Consultant/Speaker; Braeburn, Speaker

Joshua Lynch, DO, FACEP, FAAEM, FAMPA | Emergen Biosolutions, Advisor (no relationship ​currently)

Aarathi Nagaraja, MD, CPH | Gilead, Hepatitis C Virus Division, Speaker

All of the relevant financial relationships listed above have been mitigated.

No commercial funding was received to support this activity.


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Scan ​or Cl​ick to ​Order!

Clinical cards for harm reduction and ​buprenorphine available free of charge for ​New York State-based clinicians.

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The Conversations with CEI podcast features our clinical ​experts discussing current health issues while providing ​the latest news and guidelines in our areas of expertise.

Toll-free line available for New York ​State-based physicians with clinical ​questions regarding hepatitis C, the ​care and treatment of people who use ​drugs and more.

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Clinical Education with CEI

Tailored trainings in-​person and online

On-demand webinars

Hands-on clinical ​preceptorship programs

If you are interested in scheduling a training or webinar for your organization, please contact us!

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Live Graphic Recording

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A live artist from The Sketch Effect ​will join our program to bring ​information to life with graphic ​recorings!

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Graphic recording creates a visual ​representation of presentations ​that can help gain insight into ​complex concepts.

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Last year, our live artist created the ​image to the right based on our ​plenary talk featuring Dr. Jonathan ​Giftos.


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Experimental Grainy Gradient Decorative Bracket Shapes

How do I get my certificate of attendance?

Attendance is tracked through our online myCEI system. To access a ​certificate of attendance after the conference, please log in online.

Wi​ll I receive a copy of the slides?

Yes! A copy of each presentation will be available online after the ​conferenc​e. Check back here for a direct link.

Will the conference be recorded? How can I ​access a copy?

The conference is being recorded, and will be available on-demand on ​CEI’s website after the conference.

Will attendees receive related material​s and/or resources​ after the conference?

Yes! Attendees will have an opportunity to request CEI materials, clinical r​esources and a copy of Maia Szalavitz’s book Undoing Drugs: The Untold S​tory of Harm Reduction and the Future of Addiction. Please check back for d​etails.

Are you offering continuing medical ​education​ credit?

The program is accredited for 6.75 CME, CNE, CPE and 3.5 CNERx credits. ​Attendees will receive an email with a link to claim credit through the myCE​I platform.

People Sitting on Gang Chairs

2024 Annual New York State

Hepatitis C & Drug User Health ​Conference

Full-day Virtual Program

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 • 8:45am-4:00pm


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